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Basic Acupuncture Points

Basic Acupuncture Points

Prof. Dr. Yusuf TAMAM / Doç. Dr. Cüneyt TAMAM

2 min read
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Basic Acupuncture Points

There is a growing interest in the field of general complementary medicine and especially acupuncture applications in the world and in our country. Access to information is fast and easy in every aspect today. In addition; providing accurate, understandable and applicable information is very important. In order to contribute to the field of complementary medicine for our valued colleagues; we have translated The Concise Book of Acupoints written by John R. Cross with short, simple and clear expressions.

With this book, we aim to reach those who practice traditional acupuncture, those who practice medical acupuncture with traditional Western education, acupuncture students and all medical doctors. We hope that the topics explained with rich pictures and figures will be better understood and will provide ease of use in practice. Although the book is written in an understandable language, some changes have been made to ensure that some terms are better understood in Turkish. We believe that the work will be a reference book that will contribute to all our colleagues in their practical applications.

We present the translation of this valuable work, which will contribute to academic studies in the field of complementary medicine, to you, our esteemed colleagues.

Prof. Dr. Yusuf TAMAM

Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Department of Neurology

Faculty Member

President of the European Asian Regulatory Medicine Federation

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cüneyt TAMAM

Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist

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Basic Acupuncture Points

There is a growing interest in the field of general complementary medicine and especially acupuncture applications in the world and in our country. Access to information is fast and easy in every aspect today. In addition; providing accurate, understandable and applicable information is very important. In order to contribute to the field of complementary medicine for our valued colleagues; we have translated The Concise Book of Acupoints written by John R. Cross with short, simple and clear expressions.

With this book, we aim to reach those who practice traditional acupuncture, those who practice medical acupuncture with traditional Western education, acupuncture students and all medical doctors. We hope that the topics explained with rich pictures and figures will be better understood and will provide ease of use in practice. Although the book is written in an understandable language, some changes have been made to ensure that some terms are better understood in Turkish. We believe that the work will be a reference book that will contribute to all our colleagues in their practical applications.

We present the translation of this valuable work, which will contribute to academic studies in the field of complementary medicine, to you, our esteemed colleagues.

Prof. Dr. Yusuf TAMAM

Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Department of Neurology

Faculty Member

President of the European Asian Regulatory Medicine Federation

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cüneyt TAMAM

Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist